
Sunday, July 01, 2007

Reinventing, again


Maybe I'll try to bring this back. Maybe not. It will probably phase in and out of my life. To many extents, I feel that blogs are a poor excuse for real relationships--impersonal attempts to talk to all of one's friends at the same time... however, in other ways, they have their value.

Therefore, here in the immediate future (though perhaps never again, even) I plan to chronicle my current obsessions. Perhaps not true obsessions. But I plan to document, to permanently record what I am striving for, for more than one reason... one, so that I might be more driven to complete them, but I tend to not need to worry about that... two, after the idea that a blog can become larger than any one person, and more about the ideas contained within the blog, those locked somewhere within my core, and with which a dialog can be opened, that we might help each other with what we strive for and offer advice in the areas in which we are strong. In other words, I am trying to tap into the collective community of the internet, to whatever extent I may.

Let this, then, be my first documented goal. I don't plan to be a big blogger. I don't plan to change the world, or even make an impact at all. This is merely an experiment, with a small amount of will thrown into it, propelling it slowly but surely forward like a boat upon waters... I hope they aren't all too rough. I'm testing myself, really. Seeing what amount of willpower can achieve what ends. I'll apply a little, to start, and perhaps increase the amount of willpower I apply until I succeed in something, or notice some end. Whatever.

I might as well document my other current obsessions, while I'm at it. An enormous amount of my will shall always be applied to music. Music. Well, right now my major emphasis is upon the trumpet, with leisure minor emphases on shakuhachi and pennywhistle (though I have lack of adequate instruments--I plan to purchase a shakuhachi yuu for learning soon, and also a couple pennywhistles, though I don't know whether to go with Clarke Irish, Sweetone, or Meg--I started on a Meg) and a slightly more dedicated emphasis on reclaiming my oboe skills.

Physically. Hoo. Most importantly, my emphasis is on being in good cardiovascular shape, with two secondary emphases, one on developing my abs and the other on improving my muscle tone, especially around my shoulders and my legs.

That seems random, I know. There's more. Understand that my future posts will each fall under the category of a specific obsession. And they shall be thusly titled, such as "Trumpet" followed by what I'm thinking about specifically.

There are other goals, other obsessions, and I'll write about them as they come. Sometimes I probably won't write about obsessions at all.

For now, I'm off, with a brief note that today's trumpet practicing was especially encouraging. I've ordered a trumpet, an Allora AA101, as well as an assortment of mouthpieces, and we'll see how that works out for me. I hope the trumpet isn't a complete piece.



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