
Saturday, July 07, 2007

Trumpet, DDR, etc?

Today was... disappointing, but decent. You see, I work as a cherry inspector, and though I want to work as much as possible to make money, I don't always get work, because I work depending on when certain warehouses are packing.

However, I practiced trumpet, including sightreading through the Rubank Intermediate book, which was heartening, since it was pretty easy and I hadn't looked at it for a couple weeks.

Thus far, I've been practicing on a King Tempo 600, which may or may not suck, but I think it kinda does. I've ordered an Allora AA101, which I'm aware probably isn't the best trumpet in the world, but seriously, don't tell me that, because I really believe in the power of faith, and I believe that if I believe that this trumpet can take me anywhere, it will be able to. But if you have good things to say, by all means, let me know.

I will also soon begin moving from a 7C to a 3C. One friend tells me that the 7C shouldn't be limiting my range, because he says the mouthpieces are a lot more about tone than they are about range, but I kinda hope he's at least a little mistaken, because I have been playing daily for a long time now, and high C's still aren't completely comfortable. I can hit them as needed, but they aren't as comfortable as I'd like them to be, and I don't sound as good as I want to on them. Eventually, I want to be comfortable (as in, no hesitation) going up to a high E, which I don't think is reaching too far. After that I'll move my goal to a high G and work from there. One of my daily exercises goes up to a high D, so I'm going there daily, but I usually have to readjust my embouchure, which isn't good, I know.

So I'm working to speed up my airflow and completely open my throat to let the air through at any volume level and range, which is tough, so if anyone has any tips on how to think about that process or achieve it, I'd greatly appreciate them.

My new Allora (as well as new mouthpieces and care and cleaning supplies) gets here on Tuesday! I'm incredibly excited. I seriously can't wait. But I need to not think, for dwelling upon it lengthens the interim.

Today I played DDR in workout mode for 630 calories or so. Meh. I don't believe the calorie gauge on that thing. But whatever. I also worked my abs for a couple minutes, targeting obliques. Tonight before I go to bed I'll do some bicycles, whatever those target. And I'll keep trying to do DDR daily for cardio and losing some fat.

That's about it.

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